LAST MOMENT 08.03.-12.03.2025   78€/chata/noc pre 2 až 4 osoby


NOVINKA - ponúkame apartmán pre 4 osoby v Španielsku Costa Blanca 5 minút od mora s nádhernou terasou, bazénom, tenisovými kurtami  /kilometre dlhá piesočnatá pláž  Ceny podľa sezóny od 85€ mimo sezóna cca 110€/apartmán noc


Tips for a trip

Ždiar is a picturesque village with excellent conditions for winter andsummer tourism, sport and skiing.In winter Ždiar is an oasis for skiers. There are several skiresorts,  Ždiar + Jezerske, Ski -Strednica, Strachan ski and other smaller private lifts.Summer is suitable forhiking and beautiful walks or cycling (It is possible to of rent a bike in thevillage).Tatranská Kotlina –about 7 km from Ždiar features a unique stalactite cave.In Tatranská Lomnica – approximately 17 km from Ždiar you can take a ride with a cable car to theSkalnaté Pleso and Lomnický peak.Tatranská Javorina – around 10 km from Ždiar offers you beautiful walks in unspoiled natureand the possibility of hiking to the Poľovnícka lodge of Prince KristianKraft Hohenlohe, and the unique wooden church from fir wood.If you are keen for swimmingyou can swim all year-round in the thermal swimming pool at Vrbov (30 km), thereare pools are in Tatranská Lomnica, Javorina, Tatras valley, an aqua park withlots of activities in Poprad which is 39 km from Ždiar.For more information,

For more information visit,


Ždiarmuseum (visit takes for about 30 minutes)
diarBachledova Valley BikePark, bob-sledgetrack, children's educational trail, a 9-hole disc-golf course with views ofthe Tatras.
Lodgein the Tatranská Javorina New! (10 km - 30 minutes tour)Tourbookings are available on telephone number 0905 243 618, e-mail on Thursdayonly in Tatranská JavorinaWoodenchurch in Tatranská Javorinais open to the public every Thursday at the same time as a Poľovnícka lodge.
Office can be contacted by phone at +421524498136

ý Smokovec (17 km 30 minutes tour)Enterthe realm of fairy tales .... fantasy world in 3D
Kežmarok -Kežmarský
castle(24 km from Ždiar ,visit takes 60 min)
Spišská Belá Strážky  Maner house Strážky (22 km)

Rafting and Dunajec canyon (45 km from Ždiarall day tour)The Red Monastery is famous for the monkCyprian who had grown medicinal herbs for healing people around the world. Hewatered the herbs with crystal clear water from the river Dunajec, which youare able to raft nowadays. The experience can be intensified by the naturetrail Dunajec with ten stops that will tell you much more about this magicalregion...

š castle, Žehra, Spišská Kapitulaand Levoča (60 kmall day trip)It would be a sin to circumvent Spiš WorldHeritage, which represents a unique set of cultural and natural heritage sites:

š Castle,Church of the Holy Spirit in Žehra, Spišská KapitulaSpišské Podhradieand the old town

ča withunique wooden work of carver Master Paul

Castle Ľubovňa (Stará Ľubovňa 44 kmfar from Ždiar)Contact Ľubovňa Museum – castle Zámocká 01 22064 Stará ĽubovňaTel .: +421 (0) 52/432 24 22+421 (0) 52/432 20 30 E-mail: Web: www.hradlubovna.skNiedzica castle,Poland (40 km all day trip)

Medieval Niedzica Castle is located onthe Polish Spi
š area onthe right bank of the reservoir Czorsztyńskie inthe village Niedzica-Zamek.

The castle is called also Dunajec (Slovak Nedeca)
Energy LAND - the largest amusement parkin Poland (122 km)

 Rabkolandis a magic place for the whole family. It is located in the Lesser Poland duchyin Rabka- Zdroj, 1km from LIPA (the main road from Krakow to Zakopane). 34-700Rabka-ZdrojRynekGPS: 49 °36'32 "N, 19 °56'53" E •fax18 267 69 57 (in the season)tel./fax32 258 84 67 (all year-round)e-mail: park@rabkoland.plZakopane, Poland (35 km)Incase you find Tatra Mountains area little quiet, you can amuse yourself in thevillage of Zakopane where you can do shopping on the boulevard, try worldfamous cheeses and enjoy a view of the Tatra Mountains on the other side. From Ždiar you have the entire jewels withinstriking distance.


Belianska cave (fromŽdiar7 km far away)Ždiar - Strednica - Ždiar (hiking trail open all year-round to hotel

Magura (900 m). Green marked trailtakes 2 hrs.)

Monkova Valley - Širok
é Sedlo for 3 hours. + descent

é Meďodolytakes for about 2 hours.
On your way back we recommend you to pass through the Zadn
é Meďodoly to Javorina which takes approximately 2 hours and take a rideby bus back to Ždiar (20 min bus ride).Meďodoly(from Tatranská Javorina 10 km)

é MountainLake - Hrebienok (2 hours)

Valley- Breakthrough Smokovec (high difficulty trail takes 8.5 hours distance 14 km to Lysá Poľana

Kotlinato the cottage Plesnivec - 7 km takes 3 hours

Spas and water parks

AquaCity  Poprad (35 km)

Thermal Park Vrbov (26 km)

é Ružbachy (35 km)Healing spa waters belong tothe group of hydro-carbon-sulfate, calcium-magnesium mineral waters.

Terma Bialka, Poland (22 km)Modern SPA complex TermaBania is located right above the geothermal water seeps.


The village Ždiarattracts lovers of winter sports. The slopes of the valley Belianske Tatras andSpišská Magurais a paradise for skiers, skiers and ski alpinists.

Ski center Bachledova Dolina (3km)

Ski center Strednica (3 km)Ideal ski resort for  beginners and thefirst ski experiences of  your children.

Deny Ski Bachledova Dolina (3 km)

Ski centrum Strachan (3 km)

Ski Monkova Dolina ( 1,5 km)
Strachan Ski Centre (3 km)

Monkova Ski Valley (1.5 km

trbsképleso (39 km)